Wednesday, May 27, 2009


What is real?

Is it the girl I see when I look in the mirror?

Is it the feel of the rain on my skin?

Is it the taste of the food on my tongue?

The sound of the music playing in my ears?

What is real?

The heat of the sun beating on me?

The sound of you calling my name?

The wind blowing through my hair?

Or is it the written world I can see so clearly in my head?

The colors flashing like lightning through my mind?

The people I can see only through the eye of my imagination?

Or is it all just a dream, an illusion?

The concept of 'real' is just a concept.

It is whatever you feel it is.

It's different for everybody.

You can make what you see in your head real, if you try.

Don't use your eyes.

Use your mind.

Let it lead you.

Trust it to show you what is real.

Is it?


I can hear the whispering, the words jumping from the page, the magic flowing through my fingers, they speak to me, sometimes they appear in my dreams, calling my name, whispering it amongst themselves, buzzing like bees, singing, the words they speak to me, each letter has a voice, the books speak to me too, coming alive, explaining themselves, like a portal, a door, to another world where I can go anytime, any place, they whisper to me.

Speak Up!

One world. Fresh, green, living in harmony with it's inhabitants.

One wrong move, leads to another. Like a bike, riding back an forth, back and forth on a muddy road. A rut begins to form.

The people are unaware of the shadows reaching for them. The destruction.

The rut deepens. The whispers flutter amongst the people.

They pretend nothings wrong. Close their eyes. Fear.

They distract themselves with new things. Bigger, better.

The people are like the bad neighbors in the apartment building. The apartment building that holds all the inhabitants of the Earth. The neighbors who act like they own the building. Who don't clean up after their dog, who leave trash everywhere. They bring everyone else down with them.

The people's whispers become more concerned. They are frightened for themselves. But they are like zombies now. They are stuck in a rut. They won't do anthing.

They think 'Why should I be the one to take responsibility?' or 'I would but........' They watch dully as their neighbors perish helplessly around them.

They won't make a change. They won't try. They are afraid. Afraid of messing up. Afraid to speak up for fear of not being heard.

They will need every person to save themselves and their neighbors before it's too late. Every voice, every effort. No help is too small.

The people don't do anything. They won't make a move. They watch, whispering, as the world burns around them. Don't be afraid of change. Speak up!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Ballet Recital

This is my ballet recital. We got to wear tutu's!

Life Doesn't Have a Backspace Button By Samantha Barnett

Sometimes,when life gets me down I think about running away, to the world of my writing, I'd pack all my things and leave reality behind, I'd move to the world of words, life would be so easy if I did, with the safety of the backspace button, I could make things up as I went along, life would be as I wanted it, then I remember why I'm still here, in life we say some pretty stupid things sometimes, do some pretty stupid things, we have regrets, I think, oh, how easy life would be if I had a backspace button, if I was in control, then I remember that's the glory of it, you make mistakes, you can't erase them, but you can try again, oh, how life would be different if we did have a backspace button, all the things we would erase if we could, that would only lead to more mistakes, more regrets, you can't have an eraser, you can't pretend it didn't happen, you stand tall and face your problem, you fix it, you owe it to the world, life doesn't have a backspace button, you move on, learn to forgive, when I remind myself of that I know why I'm still here.

I wrote this poem when I was in a fight with a friend. I was thinking 'It's not fair! I wish life had a backspace button so I could take it all back!' I planed to write about how it wasn't fair. Then as I started writing, I realized why life didn't have a backspace button. Think about it, if life did have a backspace button, how many things would you have erased in your anger? Think about how your life would have been. Would you have liked it?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

She Still Thrives By Samantha Barnett

She used to be the kind of girl who believed, she listened to fairy tales, she played imaginary games, she wished upon a star, she said she believed in fairies, she read all the books about magic, she watched all the movies, she thought it happen, she believed she'd find a magic world someday, she waited, she dreamed of a world of make believe, a world just for her, it happened in books, then as time passed, she began to doubt, it hadn't happened yet, she hadn't found a portal, she hadn't met a dragon, she hadn't seen an elf, she grew older and was beaten down, down, by the harsh waves of reality, part of her was able to hold on, to write down her dreams, to continue to believe, to escape, she waited still, as time passed the waves were winning, she was losing hope, it was only a matter of time before she would surrender, she was crossing the sea of dreams, there was no going back, she knew, she was me, I know now, the kind of magic in books doesn't exist, but I also know there is a place in the back of my head where she still thrives, she, the girl who believed, she talks to me sometimes, I leave her in control when I write, but I also know when to put her away in her sanctuary in my mind, she won't be beaten down, she knows a part of me, the part that the magic will never really leave you, if you believe, she knows that I can create the magic, with her help, she knows that I am better, bigger, stronger, than then, the waves, then those who try to bring me down, I am stronger because I still believe.