Enough about what dreams mean to me. I just wanted to get that out so you can understand exactly how high expectations I had for this film. I know high exceptions are bad, especially for someone like me, who tends to judge (ha ha, yes I'm a hater). Well, guys, I saw the movie today. And without farther a due, here are my thoughts:
The film kicks off in the middle of the excitement, leaving audiences to fend for themselves when it comes to explanations (they'll get used it). The first half hour seemed to drag, with scrappy acting on Leonardo DiCaprio's part. His character comes off as shallow and a tad boring. Things starts looking up with the arrival of Ellen Page's character (Don't ask me to pronounce her name in the film. It's something long--that starts with an A) and it begins to explore the limits of reality. We start to realize exactly how awesome (and dangerous) this dream realm is. We begin to explore the realities.
I think I had a problem with the way the director handled this aspect-dreaming-that is. My favorite part was when Ellen Page starting dreaming for the first time. I expected more like that. Inside, I got violent gunfights and dramatic car chases. Come on, guys! Absolutely any summer blockbuster I watch can give me gunfights.
You've chosen to write a movie about dreams! So keeps the focus on dreams. Cut back on the music. I mean, there is no denying that it gives you an adrenaline rush, but sometimes silence is the scariest thing there is. Don't be afraid to step outside the viewers comfort zone. Make it as awkward and dreamlike as possible. Dreams are the most tantalizing thing there is. Play with reality. Make my skin crawl! Please. I'm begging you.
This film as so much potential. Don't get me wrong-it delivers! As we go deeper and deeper in the subconscious (this is why the movie is two hours and forty five minutes long), layer upon layer, dream within dream, the thrill builds. But that's it. The film leaves confusion where it trails and it leaves my imagination heavily unsatisfied. Now, let's talk about the my second favorite part.....THE ENDING.
I've mentioned various times before how much I love twisted-you'd never see it coming-surprise endings. Really, nothing heightens my respect for a film that endings that whip around all of your previous assumptions and cause audiences to gasp in unison. You know the kind. Shockers.
On the this account no film knows how to handle shocker endings quite like Inception. Whoa. If you've seen the film, you know where I'm coming from. If you haven't, what are you doing reading this post anyway? Just when you think Inception will tie up with nice, sweet, formula happy ending, you get a hint that it might all have been.....a dream? I swear to God, this ending will no doubt keep me up all night attempting to unravel it.
In the universe of my mind, this ending is either genius of sloppy. It asks questions and leaves them unanswered. Or does it actually ask you to think and work it out for yourself? I guess it's up to us to decide (no sequels please!)