Thursday, April 23, 2009

Purple Hair!

Guess what? I have purple streaks! Well, it's kind of a mix of pink, blond and purple. My hair looks more pinkish inside and more purple in the sun. I decided to dye it because I thought it would look cool and it reflects my personality. My mom helped me dye it.

First she painted the dye onto my hair with a paint brush tool. Then, she put my hair up in a shower cap and blow dried it through the cap. I didn't like this part. The air was so hot! She had to do that for fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes doesn't seem like a long time but it feels like a long time when your doing something uncomfortable. Try sitting completely still for fifteen minutes. After that, I had to rinse my hair under warm water until the water ran clear. I love the way it turned out!

A note to Olivia and Kim: I told you I was really going to do it!

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