Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Top Five Greatest Villain's Of All Time

Those of you who know me best, know that I love to play villains. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for justice and good guys and all that but it's just much more appealing for me to play a screaming pure evil villain then a save-the-day-goody-two-shoes. But that's just me. I know, I'm really odd. In drama camp (which I joined for the summer) I play the villain every chance I get. I had an idea to write a story from the point of view of a villain instead of the usual perspective of the hero or 'good guy'. I'm still working out the kinks, such as whether I'll create a villain from scratch or take a classic story and re-tell it from the villains point of view (I know I'd have a blast doing that!). Please comment if you have any suggestions on this subject, I'd love to hear other peoples opinions. So, after a lot of villain research I've decided to compose a top six greatest villains list on my own (I've only included females here because that's all I've been researching but I will try to compose a list of evil males as soon as possible)! If I've left out one of your favorite villains, once again feel free to comment. Here it goes:

The Top Six Greatest Female Villain's Of All Time

1: The White Witch, from Narnia. I recently watched Narnia and was once again reminded of the wonderful wickedness of the so called queen of Narnia. The White Witch manages to charm Edmond (who we all know everyone hates) to lure his brother and sisters back into her grasp. The White Witch can also turn the land snowy and spy at you through the ears of the trees, which I think is pretty darn cool.

2: Mrs. Coutler, from The Golden Compass. Nicole Kidmans elegant portrayal of Philip Pullmans scheming villain can't be mimicked (although in the book she's a bit crueler,breaking good witches fingers and things like that)! Mrs. Coulter is in charge of a secret society of kidnappers, using children for scientific experiment's (although she isn't quite so keen on the idea when it comes time to experiment on her own daughter).

3: Crystal Allen, from The Women. I don't believe it's verbally possible for me to convey exactly how much I hate this woman. This character is a mean-spirited, conniving, hussy who couldn't care less who she hurts as she flirts, cheats and charms her way into a relationship with a married, wealthy man. I think it's only fair to mention her in my greatest villains' list because I don't see how anyone would not think she's a horrible villain.

4: Bellatrix LeStrange, from Harry Potter. Bellatrix is a mad Azakaban (from those of you how have never been enchanted by J.K. Rowling's magical world, Azakaban is a wizarding prison) escapee. Bellatrix is one of Lord Voldemort's most loyal Death Eaters. I'm not sure if I like her character better in the books or in the movie (it's been a while). In the movie I absolutely LOVE her evil crackle!

5: Maleficent, from Disney's Sleeping Beauty. Let's not forget our Disney villains. I've surfed the web and most people seem to agree that Maleficent is quite possibly the best villain Disney ever brought to the screen. Voiced by Eleanor Aduley, who also did the voice of Lady Tremaine (the evil stepmother in Disney's Cinderella) another memorable villain, Maleficent is definitely my favorite Disney villain. Not only can she place curses over the whole kingdom and Princess Aurora (who annoys me to death) she can also turn into a dragon! I did my best to portray her in our skit at camp 'Far Far Far Away Love Show' (the link for that skit is bellow for your viewing pleasure). When I was younger Maleficent actually gave me nightmares!

6: Redd, from Frank Beddor's The Looking Glass Wars. At last we have come to my personal all time favorite female villain! In Frank Beddor's re-telling of Lewis Carroll's Alice In Wonderland, Redd is a cruel rejected queen who is determined to place revenge on her good sister and, later, her own niece. This is one of my favorite books and I can't wait to see the movie! I truly hope whoever gets the part of Redd plays her well. Redd with the aid of her flesh eating roses and her assassin The Cat, Redd could easily kick the Queen Of Hearts butt.

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