Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Feeding The Addiction

It has stretched over an unbelievable amount of time. It has reached an unbelievable amount of books. It keeps growing. As uncontrollable and uncontaminated as the Hulk (minus the purple shorts). It is what drives me crazy, yet keeps me sane. I must continue to feed the addiction.

It is (key dramatic pause and fanfare, please) my love of paranormal fiction.

Vampires, ghosts, dreams, nightmares, full moons, chilling screams, stunning revelations, shocking truths in myths and legends, flowing blood, sharp teeth (the better to eat you with), dark secrets, fallen angels, the cursed, the damned.......

These are all things that make a novel (in my opinion) utterly fantastic.

Recently, I discovered a whole new level of vampiric amazement.

And it was called Anne Rice.

I found 'Interview With The Vampire' at Hafa Books one fateful afternoon and began reading it aloud with my mother. Evening after evening we curled up, clutching pillows, teeth chattering, sweating heavily, perched on the edge of our seats awaiting anxiously awaiting the next sentence.

I had know I idea there were people out there who could write a novel this........what is the word I'm looking for? Terrifying? Definitely. Poetic? Positively. But it was more.

Every description I could see so clearly. Every word the characters spoke echoed in my head long after they were read aloud to me. Every scene, every page, every paragraph, every sentence, every word. I clung to them all, desperately, like they were my life force, like they were the blood gushing from which I needed to survive. Why does this novel mean so much to me?

Perhaps because it was the first vampire novel I fed on thats description didn't involve the phrases 'inexplicably drawn to him' 'brooding and mysterious classmate' or any other sappy teen vampire crap I'd grown accustomed to.

I just had no idea that there were vampire novels like this out there. And now nothing else will satisfy the addiction.

P.S. My mom refuses to allow me to watch the movie until after we've finished the book but when we do I'll post the review.

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