Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Truman Syndrom

The scariest movie I've ever watched is The Truman Show. That may be quite a shocking statement coming from a self-confessed vampire enthusiast and horror movie junkie, but honestly guys, nothing gives me the creeps as much as this movie does. Need a plot summary? Okay, here's one I picked up off of  IMD:

 Truman is a man whose life is a fake one... The place he lives is in fact a big studio with hidden cameras everywhere, and all his friends and people around him, are actors who play their roles in the most popular TV-series in the world: The Truman Show. Truman thinks that he is an ordinary man with an ordinary life and has no idea about how he is exploited. Until one day... he finds out everything. Will he react?

He's been watched by millions of viewers worldwide. The people he knows and loves are actors with tiny microphones hidden in there ears that tell them what to say. There is a writers room where they discuss Truman's future.....this movie is genius (it's no wonder Jim Carrey's Truman made EW's 100 best characters from the past twenty years list, along with some of my other favs including Buffy Summers, Spongebob and Tony Stark). It's utterly horrifying, watching Truman came to unraveling realization that everything in his life is a lie.

I've seen this movie a few years ago and I've been diagnosed with what can only be deemed as the 'Truman Syndrom'. To explain, in a few words: I am completely convinced that my entrie life is a TV show. There, I said it. After feeling this way for at least a year, I'm finally coming out.

Seriously, I know I sound like a crazy person. But my theory explains a lot. I often think about my life in seasons and wonder why The Writers introducted a character, ect. For explame:

My parents got a divoriced becuase the actor who plays my dad wanted more time to spend with his real off- screen family.  He still wanted to be on the show, only he wanted to become a supporting character (in other words, he doesn't get paid as much).

Also check this out:

Season Twelve of my life was about moving on. There was a major character switch and introduction of a new cast. The Babauta family moved away mainly because the actress who play Chloe Babauta wanted to have an off-screen life and go to collage, considering that she'd been on the show since she was four. The Babauta's where also taken off in order to create waves, because viewers where complaining that the show had gotten too predictable.

Another obsevervation:

People have been cussing around me a lot more! I'm not freaking out or anything, but doesn't strike you as odd that all of sudden everyone at once would start to cuss around me? I'm thinking that they upped the rating. I'm thinking the show was moved from ABC to HBO. Right??

Yes, I'm considering seeing a therapist.

Come on, think about this in terms of you're life. Really. Just take a breather here and think. Trippy, huh? I know I sound incredibly self absorbed really is trippy.

Any, that, blogings, is why my mother has to take extra precautions when deciding what movies to allow me to watch. Because I have what is classified in some societies as an 'OVER ACTIVE IMAGINATION'.

.........Or do I?


  1. Sam, this post was awesome. It was funny, thought-provoking, moving, all at once. Keep up the great work!

  2. You are so funny and incredibly talented, Sam! Listen to your uncle. He knows what he's talking about! Your fan, "Auntie" Donna -- who got written off your show sometime during season 3, I think, but just recently guest-starred. I'd like to think that I was a part of introducing Buffy into your life. :)

  3. Yes, my mom kept telling me to let you borrow Buffy and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I kept laughing throughout this post. You're so funny. I know what you mean though, about thinking your life is like the Truman Show. I felt that way before and had a similar feeling after watching that episode of season 6 where the nerds got Buffy to think she had been in an asylum for all those years. Trippy as well! Well good job with this post and all your other work. I love it and I love you! Sorry for the extra long comment. Oh, and my character will always be close at heart to you and will inevitably return in a later season of your t.v. series.

  4. I just hope I can always be a supporting character in you life. Love you and hoping you find a way out soon! Come visit me in the garden. I'll be waiting.

  5. Damn, this was hilarious! (beware the HBO cussing) I love you and I'm not just saying that because the directors are whispering that into my ear microphone. Now wake up and come read with me...we've got a script schedule to keep you know.
