Thursday, March 5, 2009

What is Unschooling?

At this point you're probably asking yourself this question: 'What is unschooling?' Unschooling means you do all of your learning at home as opposed to institutionalized schooling where your learning is limited. When you're unschooled you can learn about whatever interests you. You don't have a teacher but rather a facilitator, like a mom, to help you when help is needed.

For example, I was reading a library book about the past century with my mom. We got to the point where we were reading about World War I and the end of monarchy in Europe. That triggered my interest about different types of government. I quickly learned about Communism, Dictatorships and different kinds of Republics or Democracies and Monarchies. I started to wonder what kinds of governments were used in different nations around the world. So (with some help form my mom) I found a helpful website, a package of multi-colored push pins and a world map.

Here's what I did: First, I researched the different kinds of government nations used. Then I made a color coded key (blue stands for monarchy, red for democracy etc.). And lastly I marked each colored push pin into a different country.

In this way I got a visual of the majority of governments used in different nations. And I had fun!


  1. Wonderful explanation, Sam. I think you're doing an amazing job as an unschooler ... I hope examples like you can convince more people that it's a great idea!
