Wednesday, May 27, 2009


What is real?

Is it the girl I see when I look in the mirror?

Is it the feel of the rain on my skin?

Is it the taste of the food on my tongue?

The sound of the music playing in my ears?

What is real?

The heat of the sun beating on me?

The sound of you calling my name?

The wind blowing through my hair?

Or is it the written world I can see so clearly in my head?

The colors flashing like lightning through my mind?

The people I can see only through the eye of my imagination?

Or is it all just a dream, an illusion?

The concept of 'real' is just a concept.

It is whatever you feel it is.

It's different for everybody.

You can make what you see in your head real, if you try.

Don't use your eyes.

Use your mind.

Let it lead you.

Trust it to show you what is real.

Is it?

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